

For My first time flying. I was So Scared and nervous about getting in the plane and flying. But when I got in the plane it was totally fine, when I started to talk to the Pilot.  But I only got to the end of the run way and had to come back because of the wind. Next time I will not be scared and I will have the chance to get up. I'm really looking forward to going next time. For anyone who is nervous about flying, don't be because it's really fun! If you want to go flying, gliding or shooting or anything like that join the ATC it is really fun and you make loads of friends, get to do really cool stuff that people at school are really jealous of. Knottingley is especially good because every one are real good friends and we go to things that most squadrons don't, I've only been in a few weeks and I'm LOVING IT. THANKS EVERYONE. 2446 KNOTTINGLEY IS THE COOLEST!!!!!

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